Monday, 14 March 2011


okay so the programs came at the beginning of last week so i installed them all on my mac which took a few hours, but now i have the programs i can carry on working up until the deadline without having to worry about running out of time with the programs. I've done some more work on my first video (blink 182 - first date) i would say i'm about half way through the song ... soo far i have just been focussing on adding the text and putting it in time with the music, then i've been adding various effects to the words and also adding some images in there like a car. i also had the idea to introduce the band with a short few second clip of them playing their instrument. i am planning on taking screenshots of every frame from a video then making the background black and putting them in my video frame by frame, making a very unique result... soo far i have only done travis barker the drummers section and i am still looking for suitable video clips to use for the other 2 members of the band. I am hoping that i can get this video finished within the next week and then move on to the second video.

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